Thursday, October 2, 2008

I don't like shots!

28 Weeks
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Our little baby girl is definitely getting more active. She is actually developing a routine of when she moves and when she is sleeping. I notice her moving when I work out in the mornings, then on my way to work. She is probably enjoying my breakfast...hope she likes cereal and bananas because that's all I tend to eat in the mornings! Then around 11 am and right after lunch she becomes active again. Her movements are getting stronger and you can definitely see them on the outside. Her kicks and pokes have been seen by Ricky along with some of my coworkers. It's one of the neatest feelings ever!

She moves again on the way home and usually after dinner. And, of course, she starts to move when I go to bed! I wish she understood bedtime a little better. Her movements aren't strong enough to keep me awake right now, but in another month she may start depriving me of sleep. I guess I better get used to that!

This week I had a doctor's appointment for my Rhogam shot. Here's a brief explanation. Because I have a negative blood type and Ricky has a positive blood type, we don't know what blood type the baby will have until she is born. If she were to have a positive blood type, my body would see that as foreign and produce antibodies that would begin attacking her blood cells. I got the Rhogam shot to prevent my body from producing those antibodies. My blood work that I had done on Monday revealed that I was negative for antibodies, meaning my body was not yet producing them. However, they give you the shot as a preventative measure. I will get another shot once the baby is born. Shots are no fun but at least it was quick!

As you can tell by my picture, I am starting to poke out just a little. Ha Ha...I'm poking out a lot now! I'm still gaining weight steadily and continuing to work out. I have cut back my intensity because I'm becoming more tired and sore as the weeks go by. Especially in my pelvic region. I read that my bones and cartilage are starting to soften and separate to make way for baby. No wonder I'm sore!

Ricky and I will be painting our nursery in the next week. I will post pictures soon...

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