Fruit tastes so good to me right now! (Better than eating chips and bread, which is all I wanted a month ago!) For the past 2 weeks I've been loving granny smith apples. Now I'm hooked on peaches and grapes. I was buying frozen peaches because local produce wasn't looking so great. But this week we bought some fresh peaches and green grapes and I can't get enough!
As you can see, my belly is starting to pooch out. There's definitely no concealing it now. Everyone at work thinks it's so cute, but I know people out in public just think I've been eating too much. :)
The dresses are definitely coming in handy. I have room to expand in them and they are not constricting around my waist, especially after I eat lunch, when my belly starts to protrude even more! I can still wear 2 pair of pants and 1 pair of shorts, but probably not for very long.
I think I'm going to have to buy some maternity clothes soon. I just can't stand anything fitted around my waist. I don't know what I'm going to do about running shorts. They are getting snug and I don't think they make Nike maternity running shorts!
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